About Berlin High School
Berlin High School is a school of rich heritage. Founded in 1861, we have graduated men and women who have taken a prominent place in many professions including law, industry, military, science, education, plus many other individuals who in their respective places, have made our communities a better place to live. Something that cannot be put in writing is the spirit of good fellowship and loyalty that we like to feel is characteristic of our students. We know that you will live up to the demands of this fine tradition
At Berlin High School, we believe that we should provide all students with experiences that will enable them to reach their academic potential, develop physical and mental health, and prepare them to use their time profitably.
We believe all students should understand the heritage of their country and the principles of democracy, and be responsible and productive members of society.
We believe the school should continually investigate educational research and when advisable revise course content and methods to improve the school program.
Comprehensive Program
The educational program provided by Berlin High School is of a comprehensive nature. As such, it provides for two general kinds of educational experiences—the regular classroom activities and those we call extracurricular. Together they form an integrated whole aimed toward achieving stated objectives. The courses of study are recognized as the essential part of the educational process while the extracurricular are supplementary and informally educational.
Berlin High School's rigorous curriculum is designed to provide for the basic as well as the unique educational needs of each student. The meeting of individual needs is provided in elective courses and in adapting the content and instruction of courses to the needs of individual students. Course content is planned to develop knowledge, understanding, attitudes, ideals, habits, and skills, which are important for a full life in American democracy.